Dedication to Safety, Quality and Service. We are SET!
Over 6 yrs of experience in Military Base Operations & Support and over 30 yrs of Electrical Contracting Services
SET Pacific Inc. (SET) is an Asian-Pacific American Woman-Owned Small Business Company. SET was established to conduct business in both the domestic and international marketplace and we are dedicated to solving critical system needs.
🗹 Operations and Maintenance
🗹 Systems Overview
🗹 Construction Services
🗹 Electrical/I&C Calibration
🗹 BOSC: Base Operating Contractor
☑ Guam Strike Ops Bldg. 22026
☑ Guam Power Authority
☑ Guam Strike Ops Bldg. 25002
☑ Munitions Maintenance
☑ Overhead Electrical
SET News!

Replace Existing P-130 Circuit at SRF Old Substation, Navy Base Guam Apra Harbor, Guam
To complete this project S.E.T Electric anticipates installing over 1,000 ft of underground conduit and electrical MV cable to connect the existing substation to the Navy Base Guam Ship Repair Facility underground circuit. The new P-130 circuit will be a redundant circuit to the existing P-510 circuit.
SET News!

Construct Fuel Offload Facility, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam
S.E.T Electric will furnish and install a new 750kva pad-mounted transformer, a back-up emergency generator, lightning protection system, security and facility lighting, and miscellaneous infrastructure systems for a complete and state of the art facility.
SET News!

Gilbane Federal, Unaccompanied Enlisted Housing at the Naval Base, Guam.
Furnish all necessary labor, testing, permitting, engineering, tools, material, equipment, demolition and supervision to complete all the electrical renovation requirements for BEQ buildings 05, 06, 18 and 20.